Not a bad comparison in the picture. However if you really wanted to get your point across regarding toxic people, a more accurate picture would be rather than the fresh side being those not toxic and the trashed side being those who are toxic, this is how it should go. The Fresh side, should represent what toxic people see themselves as. As by that logic, some of the worst toxic people in the world, either don't know or don't care that they are toxic. As far as they are concerned they believe themselves to be perfect in every way. Whereas, the trash side is how we see toxic people like they really are.
Not a bad comparison in the picture. However if you really wanted to get your point across regarding toxic people, a more accurate picture would be rather than the fresh side being those not toxic and the trashed side being those who are toxic, this is how it should go. The Fresh side, should represent what toxic people see themselves as. As by that logic, some of the worst toxic people in the world, either don't know or don't care that they are toxic. As far as they are concerned they believe themselves to be perfect in every way. Whereas, the trash side is how we see toxic people like they really are.